Roayltie Proximity Marketing

4 Roofing Proximity Marketing Ideas that Work

Roofing Proximity Marketing Ideas

Marketing your roofing business online may seem confusing, but the latest technology gives you a one-stop shop for marketing to people in a specified region. Here are four proven roofing proximity marketing ideas that actually work! Target Areas BEFORE a Hail Storm If a specific area has a high chance of getting hit by a …

4 Roofing Proximity Marketing Ideas that Work Read More »

How Royaltie Proximity Marketing Works

Proximity marketing (also called “geofencing”) gives you the ability to market or advertise to people in a specific region that you choose. Royaltie (now called Nowsite Marketing) offers the ultimate do-it-yourself proximity marketing technology. (Scroll to the bottom to see a short example video.) You have the power of your own digital advertising agency right …

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