In our blog series of handling MLM objections, this week we look at the objection, “I need to talk to my spouse.”
Someone actually told me this just a few weeks ago. A lady from California (I live in Texas) who found one of my websites was very interested in joining my business, but said she just needed to run it by her husband first. So, what do you do in that situation?
You don’t want to scare them off, but you also don’t want them messing up the whole thing because of any misconceptions or misunderstandings. Here are a few things to consider and the responses that have worked nearly every single time for me when I get this MLM objection.
Also be sure to read through and watch the video near the end of the post.
Understand What the Spouse Objection Really Means
It always helps to understand what someone really means when they give this MLM objection. Typically, they mean that they want to make sure their spouse is on board or is supportive. This is actually a good thing.
Anyone who is serious about the business opportunity should make sure their spouse is at least going to support the other in the the business. They may also see if their spouse wants to build the business with them.
So, how do you respond to this objection?
Don’t Push Back
Like with any type of mlm objection, don’t immediately push back. Try to relate to them and say that you understand why they need to talk to their spouse. In fact, tell them that’s a great idea. This may mean they are already thinking like a business owner.
My wife and I have four young kids, so my level of commitment and sacrifice is going to be different from someone’s level of commitment and sacrifice who is not married and doesn’t have kids. The important thing is to make sure that we are on the same page about how much time and effort I am devoting to my business at different times of the year. These are the types of issues your prospect might need to work out with their spouse.
Make Sure the Spouse Gets First-Hand Info
The spouse should get first-hand information about the business, preferably the exact same way your prospect was exposed to the business. If it was a video, then the spouse needs to see the exact same video. If it was a live presentation, then see if the spouse is willing to attend the next presentation. This way, the spouse gets the information first-hand.
This is critical. What you don’t want is your prospect trying to tell their spouse all about the business. That’s going to end in confusion.
After you suggest the spouse get the same first-hand info, set up a specific follow-up time so that any questions the spouse has can also be addressed. In my experience, a few new questions will come up, and the spouse will like getting the questions asked from the source.
On the follow-up call, you or an upline team leader can help the prospect and the spouse with any questions or expectations. Some of the most common things a spouse wants to know is if this is a real business, or how much time and effort it requires to reach their goals. Whatever their issue, let your prospect know you are there to help give them and their spouse enough information to make a decision either way.
This is a very common MLM objection, but just be understanding. Help them address any issues or questions, and try to relate to them whenever it makes sense.
Be sure to scroll down a little further for links to posts that cover other common network marketing objections.

David Lee
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